adminNovember 10, 2019
A 30-hour nonstop Hackathon in day-night mode on ‘New, Clean and Intelligent Mobility Technology and Services Solutions’ was conducted at EMPI Campus on 8th-9thNovember, 2019
The hackathon in conjunction with Industry and Government offered multiple problem statement tracks on the theme wherein more than 40 college teams and start-ups battled with each other in finding solutions nonstop within the 30 hours. The event was mentored and judged by eminent and high powered industry experts including Mr. Srihari Mulgund, President – Ricardo, Mr. Prasad Mane, VP – Ricardo, Mr. Saad Ashraf, AGM – Ricardo, Mr. Yogesh Umbarkar, VP – Ricardo, Mr. Praveen Pothumahanty, AGM – Ricardo, Mr. Arun Sivasubramaniyan, VP – Hero Motorcorp, Mr. Nitin Nair, Head Connected Cars – Nisaan, Mr. Saurav Sharan, Sr. Product Manager – Nisaan, Mr. AV Rao, Addl. GM – BHEL, Mrs. Anju Arora, DGM – BHEL, Mr. Gaurav Verma, Manager – BHEL, Shahnamaz Ahmad – EESL, Mr. Ravindra G. Shah – ARAI, Mr. Swapnil Ramesh Ghugal, Deputy Manager – ARAI, Devanshu Sharma – BSES Yamuna.
Mr. Srihari Mulgand, President, Ricardo said, “The experience has been phenomenal. The excitement, energy, and creative ideas from the participants have been unbelievable.”
Prizes were awarded to KIET Group of Institutions – Ghaziabad, K L University – Vijayawada and Gyan Gannga College of Technology – Jabalpur.